Well, this was going to be my welcome, but since this is my brand new web page, and someone felt the need to bash, here goes something...
Obvisously, I have been dealt a lot of strange blows in my life, for example, I have been to over 50 funerals, of family and friends, my mom is no longer living, I have had two people commit suicide that were literally part of my life. I don't deny, I HAD drama in my life. Who doesn't have drama in their life, that is just part of life. Since my move to Texas, I made a clean slate on certain issues, one of them, ie-DRAMA. You want to see drama come hangout with my friend KK.
Now, as to the person who posted, I am appreciative of your post, and my friend S said, I should delete it, I am not, because that is part of having a web page. I am going to try and dissect this post. For what ever reason people choose to stop hanging out with me is there loss, and I am sad that they had to stop hanging out with me due to my drama-which was not that bad. However, YOU do not know my life, from the point of me moving to Texas. I don't like drama, yes, I still have some, but its usually other peoples.
I also desire to surround myself around people with more going for them, however Christ commands us to hang out with people who are in less fortunate situations. Yes, I hang out with people who run the bars, stripe clubs, and do drugs, however these are the people that come to me for help, questions, trust and prayer. Everybody down here knows my SPIRITUAL status. I really did not feel that I was bashing this person, but I would encourage you to save some money, come down to visit me here in Dallas and walk just 5 days in my shoes, and you will witness, me showing my faith, my hope, and my love in a Christ like attitude to them.
For the last two years, here is how I have been doing it. I do have a friend that moved from Omaha to Dallas, and yes she is a striper and dating one of her body guards, and yes we still meet once a month for a bible study, and see and seat with each other atleast two times a month at Fellowship. Do I agree with her lifestyle, HELL NO, I am glad she is in church, YOU bet. Will I continue to be friends with them, you are darn right I will.
Right now, I am dealing with a friend from Omaha, who is in a dishonest situation with his wife. I am counseling this guy only cause he came to me first, because I am the only "spiritual person" in his life that he trust enough.
Right now, I am dealing with a best friend from Omaha who is going through a family cancer situation, I have spent some long, late, nights with her talking and crying for hours about why God is doing this- again.
Right now, I am trying to encourage one of my managers down here to try and get back with her brand new husband of only 8 months, and leave another person alone, that is causing her more pain, suffering, and anger- against men. I have spent many a long hours, just LISTENING.
Right now, I am trying to not let a friend of mine here in Dallas leave her husband for a friend from her high school days, while introducing her to Fellowship.
Right now, I am trying to convince 4 gay lesbians that it is ok for them to come to church, no matter how my church views homosexuality.
Last, but not certainly least, how many people have you taken to church in the last 2 years? I have brought over 45 people, I am not bragging, but I did move down here for this very reason. Fellowship is the #1 thing in my life. They have created a church that anybody can go to. They are CREATIVE, INNOVATIVE, and present the bible in everyday life situations in a entertaining way, just like Jesus did with the disciples.
So my final statement, with all that said, you don't know, now how my life has changed, and yes I am frustrated, because I don't understand why people say, think, do, and respond the way they do. I am glad God is in my life, and active, because if He wasn't, I would be so darn FRUSTRATED with out this drama, that He has given me to deal with to make me a stronger person.
I am very impressed with this rebutle. Is this spelled right? Much props go out to Thompson with his eloquent words. Very polite, yet to the point. Drama surrounds all of us at some point and everytime we deal with it differently. Way to choose the right direction on this drama episode. What a great way to "launch" your blog site. S
I think there is a lesson to be learned here. Anonymity is a very scary thing. It allows people to speak up in ways that they do not have to be held accountable for.
It's too easy for anyone to give their 2 cents and not confront you personally (like "friends" should). Keep that in mind. Water off a ducks back baby.
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