Wednesday, November 30, 2005

WORLD AIDS DAY....what are you doing TODAY?

Support World AIDS Day Today is W O R L D A I D S DAY. What are you doing on a day like this?? Over 8,000 people will have died by the end of today, 5 people die every minute, sobering thought isn't it??? Today, is going to be a very quiet day for me, I will be remembering my friends who have died through this horrible sickness, and cherish the day that I might see them again. If your going to spread anything, spread this, aids anymore is not a gay thing, it is a social epidemic sweeping through our communities.

CLICK HERE for more information on what you can do in your community, to be a voice in the still of night, and a light in the shadows, Christian, or non christian. Today is the day, the Challenge is Ours!!
Support World AIDS Day

whyiDOUBT... Waiting on the Stars... Herb&Ester visit FC

Yes, it is true, I waited on Steve Harvey, Michael Irving, Danny Glover, and yes last but not least Barry Switzer, he is not real popular here in the DFW. I wonder why?

Ed's message this weekend was on doubt, and how we learned that Jesus had doubts, and that it is ok to doubt. It is healthy to have some doubt to show that you are real and not fake.

Thanksgiving weekend is always a big deal at FC, they have the whole campus decorated, and it is always packed with new people visiting for the first time with their families. I invited my dad's best friend Herb and his wife Ester. We hung out all day and then went early to church for some coffee and then headed to the 5pm service. They liked it for the most part, but couldn't understand why Ed didn't give a invitation at the end. I tried to explain that most mega-church's these days, have a response time, and people just don't do or like invitations.

I have been working a lot, and hoping this month goes by quick. This time of year does not impress me that much, except for Thanksgiving weekend of 98' is when I found Christ, and also the last time I say my mom alive.


Tuesday, November 29, 2005

Another DALKE UPDATE w/ pictures

Here is another update and pictures from the Kevin & Jen Dalke.

Here is a note from Kevin and pictures of the house before and after.Please note: forwarded message attachedDear Friends and Family: As many of you have heard we a lot to be thankful for this Thanksgiving. GOD has been so very faithful and unchanging. There are times we may feel like asking why. Our family has been challenged to say 'what' instead of 'why'. "What do you have for me LORD." - And he said unto me, "My grace is sufficient for you, My strength made perfect in weakness." Most gladly therefore will I glory in my infirmaties, so that the power of Christ may rest upon me. ( II Corinthians 12:9) - After viewing the pictures, as long as they come through, you will see GOD's hand of mercy and know that everyone is in good health and we will persevere with GOD's help. He has used so many to encourage and support us.Love,The Dalke's

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Monday, November 28, 2005


Today, my heart has been broken after I heard this news. PLEASE pray for Kevin & Jen Dalke

More options
Nov 27 (1 day ago)

This weekend has been extremely long and emotional. I've been in close communication with Jen and went out to see the remains on Saturday along with Crystal.
First of all the Dalke's are doing really well for the most part. The girls still have lots of questions and some fear when going to sleep. When Dalia was walking through the house she said to me.. " Di Di, I don't want my house to be broken any more"- me neither I said. Josie seems pretty exicted about telling your friends about the fire and getting a new house soon. Hatti lost her hearing aides which should be covered by insurance but will take time in replacing. Please pray as she has to adjust to a classroom without them. Hatti was hoping to find some of her birthday gifts since it was in October- didn't find any.
Kev & Jen feel the comfort of the Holy Spirit as they have been surrounded by prayer by many. Thank you! They have been staying with a family that has a big house and lots of room since Thursday night. I met them last night and gave them my appreciation for taking care of my family- since I'm unable to do so in this manner. Kevin's brother, Dave and parents came down Friday night to spend some time with the family and look over the house. Kevin & Jen are amazed at the support of their church and community. It does my heart and faith good too!!!
Housing: They have a few offers for furnished homes. Unfortunately, both houses would be about 20 minutes further for Kevin's commute into Bellevue and Jen would have to drive the girls back and forth to school. They are also looking at some apartments in Griswold today... not for sure if any will work but they are hoping one will. They will need to make these decisions this week. Please pray.
Insurance: Many of you asked and yes they had insurance for the house and items in the house. Last night Crystal and I helped Jen itemize the kitchen- we were close to starting the 4th page and I'm sure we missed a few items. Crystal & I were also able to itemize the things that we had lost- not for sure whether or not they will be replaced by the insurance. Please pray for them on Monday as they will be sitting down with their insurance company to discuss all of this. Jen & Kev do feel very overwhelmed at times in making all the right decision now.

Old House: I had a lot of mixed emotions when I toured the house remains. First of all I was amazed that the exterior walls were still standing and that their was so much rumble. I figured it would of all be burnt to ashes. Secondly, I was broken hearted to see everything in such disarray. They had cleared a path in two small areas but you could barely move around because the whole house was literally on the main floor. I just can't describe it in words- It was so horific and I was thankful we had all made it out safe. It could be a different story today had this fire started late in the evening.
Jen & Kev and some friends went on Friday to see what was left. At first they are all hopefully of finding treasures among the ashes but soon realized that if you can find something that is recognizable it's usually not intact or is charred or melted etc. After a while Jen said-- why even look. They were able to pull about 20 items from the rumble this includes many of their photo albums (they may still have water damage etc) and office papers (which is amazing when you think of their location). Kev found two of Jen's rings (not her engagement ring) but they are very damaged.
Help. Many of people have asked how can they help. First of all please covet them in your prayers- continue to pray that God will go before them in every detail. Their next steps will be determined by their insurance payout. They are thankful for the offers of people wanting to give but they are not accepting any furniture at this time as they have no where to store it. A bank account has been set up in Atlantic, IA- which is so generous of the community. They have recieved a few clothing items and gift cards. If you are wanted to give please contact me further.
Thank you for loving my family and praying for all of us- It will be awhile before things will seem normal again. The Briethhaupts, the Dalke's and myself have decided that sometime in January, when things have settled down a bit, we are going to have a Thanksgiving dinner. Because we have a lot of things to be thankful for.

Love, Diane3333

I just want to thank everyone who have emailed me and called. Im sharing our love, prayer and thoughts. randall paul

Sunday, November 27, 2005

Dalke's NEED PRAYER>>>please

I went to college with the Dalke's, and they need your love prayer's right now.

Please pray for Kevin & Jennifer Dalke: (my sister)
Thursday night- Kev & Jen's house caught on fire EVERYONE MADE IT OUT OKAY. Dave & Crystal Breithaupt (for those of you who know them) and myself had all been out there since Wednesday night. The upstairs fire alarm went off about 6:00 p.m. and when Kev went to see what the matter was could see smoke and flames from the chimney/attic. We all proceeded out.. thinking we would have to spend the rest of the weekend wiping down walls and airing out the house... Instead we watched the whole house quickly consumed in flames. Basically they only have the clothes on their back. Everything else was destroyed. It was so surreal.
History: Jen & Kev have been restoring a 100 year old home on about 7 acres of land about 1 hour east of Council Bluffs. They had put lots of money and lots of sweat into their home for the last three years and now everything is gone. They have a wonderful church community that I am hoping will take them under their wings. I only live in a duplex and although Kevin works in Bellevue, their school, life and friends are out there.
Please pray for them. Pray that God would provide a place for them to live that would work out best for everyone. Pray for peace during this stressful and emotional time. Pray that God would go before them and work out all the little details. Pray that their church would come and walk besides them. Pray for them as they walk through this with their girls. Amazing enough the kids (Briethaupts' too) kept themselves fairly preoccupied and it wasn't too traumatic- I'm sure that will come later. Pray as the grieve over this lost- Yes it only earthly possessions but it's still a lost of hopes, dreams, and things that can never be replaced- baby pictures, family heirlooms-
We are all rejoicing- this could of happened while we were sleeping... everyone was downstairs at the time... therefore we were all able to just put on our coats and walk outside. Please pray for all of us- as we work through these emotions and feeling very helpless for the Dalke family.
\r\nI came home tonight without my suitcase with my blow dryer, no slippers- but I have a place to come home to. I will keep you all updated. Love, Diane
I came home tonight without my suitcase with my blow dryer, no slippers- but I have a place to come home to. I will keep you all updated.
Love, Diane

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Friday, November 25, 2005

Happy TEXAS Anniversary.... Where is the Davies? Go Huskers

It has been a great ride so far, so can you believe I have been in the "Big DFW" for 3 years? Well, I can't hardly believe it, but my 3 year anniversary was yesterday at high noon, when I pulled into the DFW at Jason and Amy Hansen's house in Bedford Texas. The big celebration was the my Martini party with my new bud Afif.

I had to be at work at the Blue Mesa taco and tequila bar at 9am-till 4pm on Thanksgiving Day, but I was cut early at 130pm, and I was very cool with that. I was walking out of my store, and I literally ran into Dale Davies from Christ Community in Omaha, I caught up with them after their lunch and we chatted for two hours, it was awesome. I explained to them that it was my 3 year anniversary, and they just made my day. It was like they were a present to share with, in my 3 year Texas run.

***UPDATE on Papa*** Please pray for him and our family, he has taken a turn for the worst, as of this morning,he is not doing good. Courtney is moving slower than my dad, and she is very sore. This is the Huskers last game of the regular season against Colorado in Boulder. GO HUSKERS!!!

Wednesday, November 23, 2005

HAPPY THANKSGIVING....A long road ahead for our family

Hoping all of my friends and family have a great Thanksgiving. I love you all and am blessed to have you apart of my life.

This week the Thompson/Wright family has hard a blow and will be a long road for this upcoming holiday season. Step-sister Courtney was in a bad car accident last Sunday, and finally got out of the hospital today. Dad was able to take her home and she will be slowly recovering this month.

Well, my dad's best friend Herb and his wife Ester made it into town. He is staying with his son and daughter in law, and they both moved from San Antino this Nov. 1, . We will be all hangingout all day Saturday and then all 4 of them will be going to Fellowship with me at the 630pm service, and Herb is really looking forward to it.

nnn The Thompson/Wright family unfortuanetly will be spending this Thanksgiving at St. John's Hospital in Springfield MO. They had to rush PaPa (Raphael's dad) into the emergency room this mid morning due to what they think is congestive heart failure. PLEASE PRAY for the Thompson/Wright Family this season.

Afif and I went to my Martini's Thanksgiving Party, and to say the least, it was very fun and lots of turkey. Good times had by all.

Monday, November 21, 2005

whyi-give... Shane & Shane @ FC

This weekend was very fun, I hung out before work both Friday and Saturday with Afif and Jen, which was nice, since I wont be working with them any longer. FC invited national recording artist Shane and Shane, it was a very toned down weekend of worship, which was nice.

Ed spoke on why i give, it was more on tithe, but tied in time and talents as well. God gives us so much, to show our love back, we need to share our wealth which is ultimately His. I start work Monday, and I am really nervous, but excited.

Oh YEA, I almost forgot, Happy Birthday MICHELLE KILDOW. love

Saturday, November 19, 2005

Hangin' with the Frat rats & Sorority sisters... Another cancer story

In my endeavor to always not pass up a opportunity to encourage someone's faith, or show them my own, I try and always have that on my frontal lobe. I have been working with this kid who's mom is dying of cancer, and will not make it past this Christmas. We have went out for dinner a couple of times, hung at my house, and we were going to hang in his neck of the woods. He is a awesome person, and just a really great guy, and is really hurting over the soon loss of his mom. He asked me if I wanted to come over to hang, but he informed me, he had a surprise for me. I was not ready for this surprise. Delta, Delta, Delta can I help you Sig Ep's. We went to a fall formal after party, o h yea till 6 : 3 0 in the am. We had fun, I had fun, but I have not seen stuff like that in a long time. Boy am I old.

Thursday, November 17, 2005

Under-construction-by God

Well, like I said in a previous post, it was going to be a hard holiday, and it has been a long 4 months getting to it. God decided that it is time for me to go thru a little construction in my life, and so I can't argue and you usually don't. I didn't even on this one have a chance, so for what ever reason, I am temporally unemployed with my full time job at Fridays. This one I am really upset about, and saddened by. I really wanted to still travel for them opening new stores, and travel around on their passport program, where you can go pick up a shift anywhere in the world, as long as you can speak that language, that is not happening. I belief that everything happens for a reason, and this is no mistake.

I am strong, I am a surveyor, No, is not in my vocabulary, I only settle for 1st place, and will not come in second. I did however go and get a second job,( with-in 4 hours of my dismissal) as a bartender at the blue mesa grill & tequila bar in the brand new Intl terminal D-28. This will only be temporary, or until I get fired from this one, just kidding I hope not. Peace

Tuesday, November 15, 2005


I am sure not laughing today, or this week. Well, I was with friends at church. We were in the last row of the middle section, next door to the main camera's, when this fat guy decided he was going to come through our row. I am normally open to letting people sit down in my row, but this time, I was not. We were already standing, the service already begun, and he slides past me. I lean back in, against my theater seat, and hold on, well I placed my right foot on the worship guide and slide, and luckily I caught myself, but still threw out my back. I couldn't breathe very well, and I grabbed on of my usher friends, to have someone help me out. I normally would be laughing at this time, but you know what, I am in pain, not laughing, and out of work for 4 days. If you were wondering Ed's message was on laughing, I didn't hear it, but I am sure it was funny. Next week it might be funny, but right now, my back side is on ice.

Saturday, November 12, 2005

CONTROVERSY vs discussion? what do you like?

I found this article that someone sent me, I have been to a few focus groups around the metroplex discussing this with Christians and non, this very subject. I have been trying to give back to my community. (thanks shelly bang bang). So if your up to it, this is what I have been dealing with in my real world. As many of you know, controversy follows me and it has been doing it along time.
Here is some food for thought:
g Outreach at Gay Pride Day
Just in my last post today, I said I don't get political too much here, but this struck me as a positive development...

We've all seen the "God Hates Fags" signs that so-called Christians take to protest the homosexual lifestyle. Pastor Tim Lucas takes a different approach that was noticed this week in the NY Times. On a hot seaside afternoon, about 150 people from his small church wore light blue T-shirts bearing the name of their ministry, Liquid, and gave out free bottles of water. The title of the article:

Christians Say Hello. Gay Activists say Hmmm.

The Times piece says... "Pastor Lucas hoped that Liquid, which is part of a conservative Baptist church that considers homosexuality a sin, could take a third position, avoiding both the scolds of some evangelical Christians and the acceptance of more liberal churches. Without endorsing homosexuality, he said: "We want to dismantle the invisible hierarchy of sin that many evangelicals promote that puts gays and lesbians at the top of the list. That sense of self-righteousness and superiority runs rampant in our church like a cancer."

It continues... "For the members of Liquid, an alternative ministry within Millington Baptist Church, the event was a mission into new territory. At a final strategy meeting last week, a handwritten sign in the back of the room listed reasons for the outreach, and the first was "to challenge stereotypes of 'Christians.' "

Mr. Lucas wore spiked hair and an Amsterdam Motorcycles T-shirt. He advised the church members not to get into arguments or try to convert anybody. "We're not going there to hand out tracts," he said. "These people have been marginalized and hurt, often by us.

"If they say, 'What are you doing here?' keep it simple. Just say, 'We're here to show you God's love.' "

Alternatively, Mr. Lucas said, they might draw criticism from other conservative Christians, including members of their parent church, which was not invited to participate. "People might say, 'So you think I have to change so God will love me?' " he said. "Or they'll say, 'So you're a gay church, huh. Baptists are coming around to gay marriage?' You just say to them, 'No, I'm just here to serve.' "

If all went well, he said, "we'll earn the wrath and condemnation of religious folks, and find more people on the fringe, much like it was for Jesus."

Seems like a balanced approach to me, and a good start. I think Jesus would treat homosexuals with respect, just as members of "Liquid" did. Jesus loves each of them as much as he loves you or me. You've often heard it said that you need to love the sinner and hate the sin... I think this is a great way to start the dialouge. Who knows if any progress was made; but nothing was hurt.

FOR DISCUSSION: Has your church done any outreach to groups like homosexuals? How was it received? How did it effect your church? g Taken from Monday Morning Insights June 2005

Love ya lots, and get ready cause Christmas is just around the corner. Fellowship's Christmas Extravaganza is coming up, dates soon.

Friday, November 11, 2005

Making Waves....Who wants to be a Gideon???

After the big Texas election, the discussion has been the talk of the town, about same sex marriages being legal or should not be legal. I have been slowly changing the way I relate into a discussing to now more of a debate, and well, let's just say, there has been some heated discussions. At Fridays there are a lot of so called Christians at my store B-10 and they are not for that amendment, it has been many long discussions, and it has been some good times. At my martini, just two Christians and very liberal views on the subject.

I found out that my dad became a Gideon, and every time he is on vacation, he checks to make sure that there is a bible in his hotel/motel room. His new best friend Herb introduced him to it, and he really loves it. Herb is planning on coming down for Thanksgiving to visit his son, and hopefully we will be able to hangout, and I think Dad and his wife Rapahel are coming down the week of Christmas, and hopefully they will be able to experience a Fellowship Christmas service that is always like no other.

Wednesday, November 09, 2005

ELECTIONS COME...elections go??

This Tuesday marked history for the state of Texas, and I hope for along time. The state voted by a wide margin "FOR" Same Sex Marriages to remain with one man and one woman, which can be good and bad. It is a touche' subject, and I am not really ready to make my plea, but it is hard for me to be against the idea, that your love for someone has to be a law/rule. It really comes down to once again "the Freedom" that everybody thinks we have, but rarely realize that we are losing it in a lot of everyday situation- like this one. I rest my case.

Well, my buddy Afif and I have been hanging tight since June had a great week of his Muslim Christmas and birthday. Something that is really funny is that we have been noticing that every time we go out, we never EVER get good service at a restaurant. On his birthday we waited 15 minutes for them to come clean off our table, that the host told us to go sit at in the bar, and then another 15 minutes to even get a manger to come and say hello. At least us 3 had good company, not a good birthday experience. Good thing he is so easy going, and care free.

Monday, November 07, 2005


This weekend was a exceptional at FC. This series is looking deep into Ed's own life as he is always asking God whyi?. He stated that he would be sharing things in his own life, that no one else knows and is really just being real, open, and honest in more of a sit down on the couch and let's chat type of each installment. I have decided I am going to do that as well, only for myself and God first, and well you can see whyi--click too. Let's GO

whyiLive- because I belong to God, was created by Him. I try to let go of myself, and transpose my sinful nature into His shadow, to love, to reveal my faith in the most humanly way possible. I live to try and grasp what it means to be a man, and friend like my father. I live because right now, God wants me here. I live to share my life journey with some, who might need encouragement, and I don't even have to say a thing. I live because my friends have helped mold me into the person I am, and for my bestees', I only look to you to continue to complete my sphere of what you stand for, that I can learn from. I live that others can see that I have come along way, and my road still continues on, hopefully my influence as well, even when God chooses to take my home.

WHYiLIVE-for my faith, my hope, my love peace

Saturday, November 05, 2005

New 4 YOU... whyi??? A week of fun?!

I have decided since usually so many people respond to my web page, I am going to respond to you. So as of Nov 1, 2005 I am responding to all of your comments on the "comments page", so m you better check it out. You wanted to know, go get em'.

This weekend at FC we are kicking off a new one. In our frenzied rush through life, we rarely slow down long enough to ask ourselves why we do what we do. In this series, Senior Pastor Ed Young takes time to do just that. Ed, a self-proclaimed why guy, opens up his life to give us an insiders look at why he does what he does. And over the next several weeks, we'll discover that the amazing life God has in store for us is often one question away.

Afif, my Muslim buddy is living high on the hog this week. Wednesday was the end of Ramadan, and this Monday is his birthday, and when we get back from church, we will be celebrating. Of course the party will be at my pad, since "your pad rocks dude, let's have the party here." Fine by me.

Thursday, November 03, 2005

Christmas with his best friend....Don't beat around the bush. Please...

In my buddy's Muslim faith, Ramadan is now over, and it is "Christmas for us buddy" which he celebrated with his mom and sister, and me tonight. We just got back from Abuelos (where I use to work), and now are hitting the peace pipe, and the cigar is nice, I must admit also. Going to take a walk and enjoy the nice cool 70" weather. GetR don".

It has been along week, and it seems like it is getting longer by the hour. Halloween night was fine, nothing too exciting. Today is the start of a 7 day warm front, and tonight KK gets back from her trip to Vegas. I can't wait to see her. This is the 3rd time she has went and I cant wait for my 3rd gift. I have a friend who has been promising me something for a while now, and it is just driving me nuts. If you don't want to give it to me, than don't keep saying you will. That is what has been driving me nuts this whole week. Mean what you say, and say what you mean. PLEASE.

We have a new manager working at B-10, and she is Mrs. Razor, I am best friends with her daughter. Since she is here, she is the mom of the store, everybody lovers her and she is so sweet, she brought so much Halloween candy last weekend, that it was crazy. I missed First Wednesday at FC this week and it has been awhile since I have been to one of those in many many months. However I cant wait, this weekend Ed is starting a new series whyi. Cant wait for that. Well I better go, I feel I like I am just babbling, and to be frankly honest, I am, and don't ever call me frank.
Peace I am out.