Thursday, November 03, 2005

Christmas with his best friend....Don't beat around the bush. Please...

In my buddy's Muslim faith, Ramadan is now over, and it is "Christmas for us buddy" which he celebrated with his mom and sister, and me tonight. We just got back from Abuelos (where I use to work), and now are hitting the peace pipe, and the cigar is nice, I must admit also. Going to take a walk and enjoy the nice cool 70" weather. GetR don".

It has been along week, and it seems like it is getting longer by the hour. Halloween night was fine, nothing too exciting. Today is the start of a 7 day warm front, and tonight KK gets back from her trip to Vegas. I can't wait to see her. This is the 3rd time she has went and I cant wait for my 3rd gift. I have a friend who has been promising me something for a while now, and it is just driving me nuts. If you don't want to give it to me, than don't keep saying you will. That is what has been driving me nuts this whole week. Mean what you say, and say what you mean. PLEASE.

We have a new manager working at B-10, and she is Mrs. Razor, I am best friends with her daughter. Since she is here, she is the mom of the store, everybody lovers her and she is so sweet, she brought so much Halloween candy last weekend, that it was crazy. I missed First Wednesday at FC this week and it has been awhile since I have been to one of those in many many months. However I cant wait, this weekend Ed is starting a new series whyi. Cant wait for that. Well I better go, I feel I like I am just babbling, and to be frankly honest, I am, and don't ever call me frank.
Peace I am out.


Anonymous said...

what altitude were you cruising at when you wrote this one?

i am randall 4 u said...

"I don't think so", Shame shame SHAME, even though I don't know you, I know your game. oh yea, I almost forget 50,000 elevation, ATLEAST! peace

Anonymous said...

where your tray tables in the upright position?

i am randall 4 u said...

You bet they were honey. Get'R-done. Would I have it anyother way?