Thursday, October 06, 2005

a cool-cold air front... high off of paint care free

athis out, it is a cool 61degrees out, and the wind is blowing through my apartment and thankfully, I am not getting high anymore. I have gotten back in touch with one of my old high school best friends, that I have been trying to encourage him with his marriage. He wanted to help me out, because he was one of the people I was coming home to hangout and chill with. Our friendship didn't get tainted, just we finally found each other back on our paths. He is a really great friend, and would/has done anything for me or anybody. His brother had unfortunately taken his own life, and we have been trying to cope with that, and I hope YOU are still doing ok. We are planning on him coming down to visit me sometime around Thanksgiving. RI, know after our long talk last night, I finished painting my apartment, I finally hit the bed oh around 2am, but my apart looks sweet. Thank you for the encouragement to "Live Life Care Free".

Please accept my humble apology, for us not being able to come at the last moment. Sorry my friends.


Anonymous said...

Hey there sassy cat. I hope all is well. I'm thinking of you. The few days off up here were very good. I spent time with family and friends and got a jump on some projects. Although it was a HUGE bummer that you weren't able to come up, I definitely put my vacation time to good use. Take care.

Anonymous said...

HELLO! This is what I was talking about the other night on the phone!