HUMOR ME PLEASE..... I know that some people are wondering why I am so engulfed with FC. Well, if you want me to be brutally honest, I would say for a period of time after my mom passed away, I was very upset with God, and I was in a period of "disliking those damn Christians", I think the whole "Christianity" word and lifestyle is used so fliplantly anyway that it just makes me sick. For example "everybody is a Christian in the South", and my response is, "no, everybody is not a Christian in the south", but that is a whole different post, that I probably will jump on later.
Anyway, I was really not excited about anything Godly until God gave me a fresh start on July1, 2002 when I tried to take my own life, and luckily one of my 5 roommates at the time found me at my darkest point and took me to get the help I needed. Thank you Shane!! I was a mess, I was mental, I was on drugs, sleeping around, and hated Christians, unfortunately. I asked God to please take my life, and if He didn't, I would. He decided that He still loves me, wants the best for me and desires for me to keep falling in love with Him, and to share my past life, with others.
He brought me to Fellowship, that is the one wish I had before I ever passed away, and that wish got granted. This church is not normal, they do nothing that is normal, they have created a church, that is not your typical church type setting. You will not find these items in FC, you wont find stained glass,
a choir in robes (ok maybe 6 times a year, but rarely),
fire and brimstone preaching,
and anything of old traditional Baptist jargon. You just wont find that stuff.
YOU will however enccounter a church, that I love along with thousands that gives to poor, has missionary's church plants all over Brazil, reaches out to their community with a creative, innovative, bible based credo. A lot of people have emailed me in the past and they just don't understand what is so unique about this church, and I have stumbled (literally) on this webpage.
DON'T LOSE ME HERE, speaks to the masses on everyday life, and they have created a type of church that today 800 other church's are trying to model after. From 1998-2002 attendance grew from 6,000 to 13,000 in just 5 years. Just in the last two years FC has more than doubled. When I moved down here, and started attending on Thanksgiving weekend we were running around 13-14,000 people every weekend, now we are at 20,000 every weekend with 3 other satellite campus' Here is one reason why we are the 3rd largest and fastest growing mega church in the nation.
Are you ready? You will not believe your eyes, Here is pictures and proof of why I go to one of the best church's in the nation. SCROLL DOWN TO THE NEWS part, click on FELLOWSHIP CHURCH PAGE and check out our sets and stage designs for the last two years, and remember this is not an ordinary church. These are actual pictures of FC throughout the year. Here is my remarks- "Authority Issues"- it is a castle, and these pics are of the series opener that they kicked off with "Lets Get it Started" by the Black Eyed Peas
Thread Series for Easter check out the 4th picture those arches come down from the ceiling after worship to kind of disguise the band equipment during the message.
Creative Church Conference was in the middle of this series "Retro-Getting back to the Basics" and you will notice the far left and right staging's that the band is on, they turned in circles.
Who's Kidding Who, was about parenting and this was a intense 6 week series and they wanted it up close and personal, so they didn't even use the back stage, so on the first picture with the two pink lit up scrims is where the actual stage curtain is . This was one of my favorite set designs, they really went all out on the light shows during worship, as you can tell.
Easter 2004 was done in part of the Mel Gibson movie, and the actual stage is completely back dropped in a giant curtain. I really liked this one. The cross' you see were huge and they had 3 of them 1 FAR stage left, middle main stage, and 1 FAR stage right.
Cribs, they really out did themselves. as you can see, they had 4 complete stage changes.
Still counting, is a another great favorite, where the band is playing on those half circles, they rotated during worship.
Life is too short, the band and drummers, that were on a movable platform that moved automically back and forth in front of the big white curtain. When Ed is usually preaching they try to hide and or disguise the band, so you can focus on the message.
Just Lust , was another stage set design they rented from VH1, the Oscars, the Grammy's.
That is and one more reason why I am inviting all I can to just introduce them to God in a non church way. WHEN ARE YOU COMING????
I must say that I loved this post I have know you during your ups and your downs which I know can sometimes still come. I am very glad that you found a church that you love and enjoy sharing it will others. I am also glad you are still around becasue even though I tease you I can't imagine a world without you.
love j in texas
I love you dearly. You are a tremendous friend and I've always admired your motto...."investing time in people". You are making a difference in the lives of many. Thank you for sharing your friendship with me and introducing Fellowship to me. It literally changed my life and made an impact on my marriage.
What's up? Sorry I haven't logged in as daily as usual, but things have gotten busy especially in the past weekend. I really appreciate the dedication of this log to me. This is why we are friends because you know that I will always be there to listen to the things going on in your life. So I am thanking you for thanking me. Stay cool!!
Oh and by the way, there are "2" l's in my last name.
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