Thursday, September 01, 2005

2 of 3 couples -Not saved, hanging with a new sister, GO HUSKERS

Happy September Labor Day weekend. I hope all is doing well. I am in my 5th straight day in a row for a cool 100'. Got to love that. Well, I wanted to report since I have gotten a lot emails about my 3 couples I am counseling/encouraging. I am sad to share 2 of the 3 are calling it quits, and going their separate ways. Continue to keep them in your prayers.

****This post is dedicated to my fav new sister KK****

You were brought into my life, and I hope not taken out anytime soon. I wake up realizing each day I am blessed to have you in my life. You are an encouragement to me. You give me/others hope. You continue to keep life a smile away, a laugh is always on your tongue, and your beautiful eyes reflect how much inner beauty you bestow thru all that is thrown your way. So sister, thank you for being you, being fun, being my favorite new sister. Cant wait to take you to the Big O' in October. Please keep my two friends family's in your prayers who are still struggling with a small hurdle-cancer that they will overcome.

If you want to help out with the devastation from Hurricane Katrina, you can help out by giving to the AMERICAN RED CROSS or FC is also helping out to the much needed relief for the people in the south.

We are two fun filled days away till the 2005 Nebraska season opener where the Huskers will play Maine. Can't wait till the 2nd weekend in Oct. cause I will be there with bells on with my girl for that weekend. You know who you are, save the date.


Anonymous said...

I am very sorry to hear about the two couples but I have had several friends who have been married and in love only to divorce and find another mate who is better for them. I will keep them in my prayers.

Have a wonderful holiday weekend.

j in texas

Anonymous said...

Sorry, just got back into town from my own family weekend. The Husker game was a disappointment. They played terribly against someone we should have blown out of the water.