Monday, September 12, 2005

Bon Jovi @ FC...get ready Chicago & Kenosha-Big Ran is coming into town...

Well, I have already begun, what I call "Hell week", I am no longer in school, but let me tell you all about my week so far, and to come. It goes something like this....
Sat the 10-started to paint my apt in the evening, went to bed at midnight...
Sunday 11- got up for 930am service @ FC, then met friends from Fridays @ Grapefest-which lasted 4 hours, then napped, cleaned apt, and went to my other job @ 530pm-930 Chatted with KK till midnight
Mondy-12 worked at 630am-3pm, came home showered, at other job 530-till 9pm
Tuesday-13 take my car in to rotate tires, LOF on car, work @1130am-3pm possible double?
Wednesday-14 work @TGIFridays at 730-230pm, then at my martini from 530-930
Thursday15- wake up, pack, drive 7 hours to dads, go to sleep @8pm, wake up at 330am leave Branson for Chicago-Kenosha @ 4am for a 8 hour drive. Kids I have not even hit the weekend.

Yes, you read right, they sang a BonJovi song-"Living on a Prayer" for our brand new series. Love Affair. The service was awesome.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Randy, I am glad to see you got your picture posted!