Friday, May 26, 2006

Summer is here...A brand new project on the horizon?

can you feel it, if you are in Texas you sure can. I have been busy with some old friends, my regular friends, and making new ones. I just don't understand why the new ones are still alot younger than me. I have been hanging out with a bartender friend of mine and his best friend which is the owners nephew. He just graduated from high school, a little late, but still graduated and also in college. This kid is an awesome person who still lives at home, and the mom is literally sucking the life out of him. Both parents are glad that David and Donnie are hanging with me and encourage it. They have been over around 9 times watching the Dallas Mavs with Afif and I. Recently, I asked them what they expect out of this relationship and they both said at different conversations, " we love hanging out with you, cause your a lot fun, a very wise person, a positive person who always encourages us, a very good friend, and we both look at you as an older brother that we never have had. " I was very flattered and also humbled. I have hung out with David a lot more than Donnie, because of schedule conflicts. I hung out with David all day Monday, Thursday, Friday. We had a great talk over sno-cones, dinner, volleyball, and then the mavs game. They both are Christians, however Donnie is a new Christian, and has not yet been brought up in the Christian faith, that will be our summer project for David and I. They are going to both start coming to Fellowship with me, and you know I love that. They will be staying at my apartment while I am in Chicago for 4 days this upcoming weekend.

I have been working on a new project that will get rolled out 4th of July weekend, and trust me it is going to be a hot summer sizzler. To kick off my new project, I have hired, and asked a friend of mine of who is a Christian rapper to spin little track for me. MORE TO COME July 4th.


living for an audience of ONE...

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