Thursday, December 15, 2005

Hey OMAHA, want to invest in lives????

Today, I am in the middle of my mourning, and also loving my life. I always got encouraged by my mom, and God has blessed with a great friendship realm. Sometimes, I just sit and laugh at the friends who God has put in my life. The one that probably gives me the biggest chuckle is my best friend Matthew Smith. He is the Executive Director of a non profit organization. He is one of my closest attempts to see, feel, hear, and get great encouragement from a walking Jesus, (other than my dad) here on this journey we call life. We have been through a lot together ever since 94' when we hit it off, and time has continued to keep us bonded together. His faith, hope, and love for his friends and the community of Omaha has and will remain strong. He sacrificially gives all he has to pouring out his heart to the less fortunate of the Omaha community in this small way of showing them Jesus.
Here is a great way that you can support, encourage, and give through your time, talents, and resources. Mosaic Community Development is a nonprofit organization that helps out in the community with a "Creative Educational Center", serving food to the less fortunate "Life on the Brick", teaching "English as a Second Language", and encouraging people going through "Life Transitions."

444Volunteer Spotlight
Thanks! from Matthew Smith ED
As our name indicates, we are a ‘mosaic’ of people who selflessly and generously give of their time and resources to serve and be amongst the poor and disenfranchised of our city. This month we wish to highlight our volunteers as a whole instead of one individual. We do this to recognize the significance of each piece as it composes a whole mosaic movement that touches lives. At the heart of MCD is a desire to be with those who are forgotten by society and demonstrate the love of Christ in a relational capacity. All of our volunteers are committed not only to providing a useful service that benefits the community, but more importantly they take time to value those they encounter in service. Our mosaic of volunteers loves to hear stories of those served and share their own. It is in this effort to be with those who are suffering that we serve in the most significant ways.

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