Well, I hope everyone is having a great start to a new year of CHANGE. My new years celebration was relaxed and at home with my baby. Chicago is on a high like none other. The world is watching and GW is on his way out and a new African American black man is up 4 great change. You can feel the electricity everywhere, its so good to be alive and living in America and in one of the greatest cities in the U.S.
Many of you have requested info on the infamous "Ben Dicke Christmas Tree", you can't have one, and I won't tell you where I got it from. I can give you a hint though...
The last 2 weeks have been very sobering for me, not really but it sounded good, didn't it. I have been taking more time from a busy schedule and relaxing a bit. I have been thinking and waiting for January 2o, 2009. After being glued to the TV all weekend long, my heart, mind, and soul are thoroughly convinced, we are in midst of change and for the good. We have a man that is willing to step up and try and tackle the issues that have been jacked up, due to the last 8 years of an idiot running the country. Trillions and trillions of dollars gone, over 3,500 souls lost to a war that have turned up with no weapons of mass destruction and an economy that is still going to be in the toilet for at least the next 2 years.
Today, I will try and believe in the better good of America, with a new start of leadership knowing I will have to be the change, to spread the change. I'm pledging to take the Red campaign with Bono with me everyday in 2009. Do Something Good Every Day in 2009! Be that change.
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