and now I know why. It's gonna be very hard. My first concern was with seeing my father, which was shocking. He's just not himself. I was just not really prepared to see what I saw.
He's been pulled through the knot hole and back. The weekend was very quick, and to be honest I might comment on it later. I think I will just say there was tons of drama, lots tears, hugs, encouragement and some broken hearts. My sisters were extremely late and really pissed me off. That's a whole another topic that prolly will never get covered.
**** Going silent and going under the radar for awhile. Were slowing moving out of the recession and I've already startedmoving into mine. I have 5key areas that I need to work in my life and that means all the other extra circular activities with and without people will cease completely. I have been here almost 22 months and I've been going strong. I need to take a step back and focus on some things...
1. I have begun writing my book.
2. Oct 1st I'm moving to a completely different area in the city.
3. My spiritual status. Need to focus on my road through Willow Creek Community Church.
4. Mental stability-Thanks 2 some generous friends. I've begun weekly psychiatric counseling.
5. Physical well being. Tony Horton's P90X- 1whole year commitment
My father, and my 2 closest best friends have endorsed this plan of action. I unfortunately will not be hanging out, calling people, will not be posting on my blog, will be off of Face Book, and not on my myspace. I'm needing to be solely & completely focused and any other distractions will bring UN-needed and UN-WANTED drama that I just don't have time for in my life anymore.
Gone silent and under the radar for awhile!
Ambitious! LOL
Good stuff.
Well wishes and prayers.
Thanks for sharing such kind of nice and wonderful collection......
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