As we express our gratitude, we must never forget that the highest appreciation is not to utter the words, but to live by them.
I associate with Willow Creek Community Church, everything you read may not accurately reflect the same views of The Creek.
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
100 Days of OBAMA. Opinion poll question...,0,4181284.story
So here is my question that Im asking my close friends. If you knew your best friend had moved to a completely different part of the U.S. to begin a friendship, relationship w/2 sisters, ONE in particular that you knew he was closer to and he told you that he hasnt seen her in over 8 months, and they only live 1 hour away from each other?
What would you say to your best friend.
A. Get over it, she's busy, has a family, and a life. B. Your expecting too much. C. Houston we have a problem? or D. Move on...she obviously doesn't have time for you? Facebook
Monday, April 27, 2009
Is Iowa really ahead of Illinois??/,0,7615023.story Facebook
Friday, April 17, 2009
Friendships are really hard to come by...
My studies are still continuing and people still fail to amaze me with their lack of judgment, communication, and their own selfish gratification to only pump and boost their egos.
to know that friends are really hard to come by, but when you found those few, those diamonds really sparkle and effect how you do life. Facebook
Monday, April 13, 2009
My 2nd Easter at Willow Creek...
since I moved here and I could hardly stand it. This 4th month of the year is looking to be my favorite, I finally can "get it together", I know right?? My life is not out of the woods, but it is sure turned out to be alot more calm, peaceful and now off to a new busy season in my life. Well Easter morning I got up, and took the dog on a walk and we went to Lake Michigan (2blocks away) and watched the sunrise. It was awesome. I had a quick breakfast and then I was off to the Creek for the 8am service.
90 Day Body for Life Transformation. Im going to go one step further and do a 4th month before I do the big revealing. It is slowly changing my life, I might be out of my league on this one, but this old goat can "Get R done...I promise". I will see you Labor Day weekend in September.
Friday, April 10, 2009
Was it a Good Friday...
You have to check out this article>>>
"Randall my life just stopped and I need someone to help start it back up again?" That's what I heard on the other side of the phone, that a buddy of mine just told me. Eddie is a humble but proud Guatemalan who just lost his best friend. What really pissed him off was the hit and run driver was an off duty cop. What do I do Randall?"
Well the only open door I had was wide open. Bill Hybels would be oh so proud...I walked thru it. I get these scenarios all the time. I enjoy meeting people, hanging, bonding with people that God brings into my path. I will always do that...Life is all about people on our spirtual journey.
I just started working at my new starbucks just 4 weeks ago and last weekend I hung out with this guy named Eddie. I have already described his birthday a few posts ago. Great 25 year old that just got married on Halloween night. We talked for awhile on the phone Friday afternoon, and had to get off the phone when his mourning friends started piling into the house. He wanted to hang with me after I got off work. I got to his around 11am, his wife left a short time after that and we hung till 6pm. We chilled, listened to music, he showed me around Pilsen, met his sister, niece and mother and really got to know this kid. He commented to me towards the end of our hangout time. "Randall I knew there was something I liked about you. Your like me, your real, compassionate, very chill and geniunly like getting to know people. Im glad that I just met a new friend. Thanks for hanging w/me today, I really needed that."
Eddie it was my pleasure, Im really enjoy all my interaction with in the latino community. They love their familes, their culture and meeting new friends. Facebook, April 08, 2009
holy hump day Week....
Here is a few shots of my encounter... Facebook
Sunday, April 05, 2009
An amazing Palm Sunday service @ the Creek...
Weekend Seeker Service Elements - April 4, 2009
Only God: Part 5, Only God Can Lead the Submitted Heart
Service Elements
Click on the item name for product purchasing information.
Element Type
Service Element
For the Beauty of the EarthPsalm 24:1, 33:5 on side screens during instrumental breaksFolliot S. PierpointPublic Domain
Scripture Reading
Psalm 8:3-4 on side screens
HosannaBy Brooke Fraser©2006 Hillsong Publishing
Reading from Orthodoxy by G. K. Chesterton
EnchantedAaron Niequist©2005 AARONieq Music
This Is My Father's World1 Samuel 2:7-9 on side screens during instrumental breakWords: Maltbie D. Babcock Music: Trad. English melody; adapt. by Franklin L. Sheppard Public Domain
Offering & Announcements
Bill Hybels
God Is HereWords and music by Israel Houghton, Martha Munizzi and Meleasa Houghton©2003 Martha Munizzi Music / Integrity's Praise! Music
Bill Hybels
Well the worship was amazing, and the message was so alive with passion, it was as if it was only God and me in the auditorium. Only God can speak to heart that needs to stop running and start crawling. The set was simple and cool which changed moods with lighting. It was nice and chill.
Saturday means Van Morrison.... Facebook
Saturday, April 04, 2009
Time for a birthday....
When I walk in, I literally almost dropped my wine. The apartment was very dark, gloomy, hazy, (not sure from what;) all the rooms were painted very dark, gargoyles and all the scary movie monsters you could think of were up on these dark walls. When I could finally ear my own heart beat, it was to the beats of Slayer, Marlyn Manson, Korn, and etc. My spirit pre-warned me and boy was I glad for that. The party didn't even officially start till 10pm and there were already 30 people there and I was doing a all nighter and then heading to work @ 6am from their house??? I was starting to re-think that idea. His whole entire family, friends, and us co-workers from SB Illinois Center were there and all in rare form.
I have never been to the "south west side", let alone since I have just started at a new Starbucks for only a month. I def saw a different side of my co-workers. I know that I do each and every day, but these poor people "need Jesus" and I mean literally. I hung with the parents, and oh yes the grandparents, siblings and had a really good time. Eddie caught me looking at my watch and said, "bro, its only 1am, were going until you leave for work @ 5am and they did. I had to get at least 2hours, and boy was I hurting at 6am going into Ernies store in the loop.
I vowed when I became a Christian over 10years ago, that I would invest my time energy and resources to the good of the not so common people. I enjoy hanging out with these peeps that most shun and turn a def ear too. Eddie was really surprised that I came, but when he come to greet me." he said I'm glad to see you Randolla, but not surprised, b/c your one of those rare breeds that actually tell, show and love people through your actions. I guaranteed knew you would be here, thanks bro."
I think the more I hang with all different ethnic groups, I really find that the Latinos are like me they really do care and walk the talk.
P.s No I didnt take any pics, sorry. Facebook
Thursday, April 02, 2009
Friends come in all colors of the rainbow... Facebook
Wednesday, April 01, 2009
I hate April 1st
They pick up the phone to receive the prank, and immediately get pissed, or laugh. Well mine this year was in person... and I didn't care for it.
So I'm up working out with my friends, a personal trainer, and my personal assistant going over the agenda for my crazy busy weekend. Just go with it. Well my boo aka the P.A. was really not wanting to tell me something but needed to. " Randall I have to move and there is nothing I can do about it." My heart sank and emotions began to fill and over come my body. My old lady is moving and where I'm not sure. I have known that God has been slowly moving my life into a transitional period, but this was just down right wrong. My best friend, my counselor, a workout partner, the mother of my child Harley Daniel, who will babysit her when I can't come home, hell who is going to align my weekly schedule and remind me whats on my busy plate... I guess me?
I have realized that I have let friends get to close to me and my true friend has been on the back burner. I have been actively looking at drawing the curtain back on my life and taking out some of the un-needed props that make my life easier, but maybe more complicated. Facebook