Sunday, October 05, 2008

Is the world ending soon??? **BREAKING NEWS FROM FC

I don't know about you, but good thing I shave my head every other day, because after these last 2 weeks, I would have pulled my hair out of my head. Some think it might be the Armageddon era, I'm not sure. I might be a Christ follower, but I still need money to live, breath, and work. I just don't think $$$$ is going to start falling out of the sky from God, call me crazy, but life is going to be really hard for the next 2 years. So with that said, happy 1 year fricking anniversary to Chicago. I could write a book just on this first year alone. I have a lot of people who read this blog, and my I have been getting tons of questions, wondering how I'm dealing with all this credit and the markets going down the toilet. I have 4 good friends in the "whole stock market" family, and they all agree, "its not good Randall, it's not good at all. People have no clue as to how bad this economy is going to get in a couple of months." I will tell you my presidential vote as the time gets closer.

Even though I did move out of Dallas, my love 4 will never waiver, or change and of course this church is moving and a shaking and is making waves.

So with that being said, I have breaking news...Senior Pastor Ed Young "It's not every day that you get the opportunity to share the gospel with an "adult film" star. But that's exactly what happened to me recently. It was an amazing encounter that I believe God used in a very powerful way. I wanted you to get a chance to hear the whole story and see last week's service at "Face to-Face With a Porn Star. In August a new reporter from Entertainment Tonight watched a episode Ed Young TV about Sex before Marriage called "Sexual Revolution. It was a powerful series, that I sat under right before I moved to Chicago. Check it out, It's a Life Saver.

I have been able to get a hold of this years Christmas and C3 conference on video live from YOU won't belive these videos, check them out here
>>>C3 conference attendee video<<< >> 2oo8 Christmas Opener at FC<< >Last video, professionally edited in hourse<
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